Great Job Valis, Congrats!
Been there
JoinedPosts by Been there
Are you my Daddy?
by outbutnotdown inhere's my situation: .
i have four children (10,7,6,4).
my wife (now ex-wife) and i were not getting along very well five years ago.
Been there
Seems to me the ex would not say something like that if she wasn't pretty sure she knew what she was talking about. What a sticky situation. Personally I think I would get a DNA test for your own peace of mind. What if she is yours and you spend forever with the doubt. If she isn't yours and she is Daddy's little girl then that is all that matters until one day when she may need to know differently or find out accidently.
I didn't find my dad till I was 43 years old. I always felt incomplete. Your little girl won't feel most of that if she has you for a dad. If she ever finds out the truth she may still need to find out who she really is but she will always have your love.
Would your ex ever get mad at the baby in years to come and throw that out at her in anger like she did to you? The child is innocent.
My friend's won a Valentine Wedding...go to to vote!
by TresHappy in.
help her choose!.
Been there
I voted # 2 for you.
I'm glad they showed them, yes she will look good in #2. Keep us posted each week so we can vote since you know her and her likes, we can maybe help get her dream wedding. Not that a free wedding isn't a dream wedding. Congrats to your friends. Are you invited?
Why did I leave after 50 yrs a JW
by londoner ini am not posting this to justify my actions, i am doing so for the benifit of any witnesses who are unsure about there feelings toward the "truth".
i was a reguler pioneer for about 8 yrs, back when it was 100 hours a month, befor thet i did a couple of yrs as a vacation pioneer, they later changed the name to auxilery pioneer, and during the following 20 yrs i had a few intermitant spells as an auxilery when i had time to.
during my pioneer years i have given talks at circuit assemblies and had assignments at district assemblies .
Been there
Welcome to the board Londoner, very glad you found us.
I think you will do alot of healing here. Don't beat yourself up toooo much. You did the best you could with what you knew, now you know better. Please don't give them one more minute of the life you have left. Use it to make you happy going forward, not to pay them back or punish yourself for being mislead. You did not lose out on your life, you did not waste it. You lived it the way you wanted to at the time, you lived it the way you saw fit. Live it now without petty made up guilt by them. You are doing nothing wrong by leaving I think for everyone that leaves the cult God sits up there giving the thumbs up and a hearty "Alllllll Riiiiiiiiiiight, now go have some fun!"
I was raised in it and couldn't wait to turn 18 to get out. I did however live with a strang guilt for many years. Then I found this place and all the dirty little secrets they never want anyone to find out. NO MORE GUILT here. Don't lose anymore sleep. Enjoy.
My daughter has a brain tumor :(
by outnfree ini am so terrified!.
#2 daughter came home from college on 12/18 with a violent headache, nausea, neck pain and great fatigue.
we took her to the dr. on the 20 and again on the 21st as she had kept nothing down for 3 days.
Been there
Best wishes for a Speedy Recovery Lena! You will do just fine.
(((((Brenda)))))...A special prayer for you and all your pain and stress right now. Take care. We will all be with you tomorrow.
Another visit from the Witnesses
by ScoobySnax inso after staying at a girlfriends house last night, there i was happily cooking eggs and bacon this morning when the doorbell goes.......yep thats right.
being her house is outside the area of my original congregation, i didn't recognise the 2 blokes at the door.
i stood there and engaged in polite conversation for 10 minutes and took the latest magazines.
Been there
So after staying at a girlfriends house last night
I thought maybe you converted while you were gone.
The most I would ever say was "Not interested" then when they tried to continue like they know what "Not interested" means more then I do, I just shut the door on them. I got much braver after watching Dateline. The next time two old man came to the door and would not mention they were JW's so finally I out right asked them. They finally said "Yes we are, Witnesses are the only ones that go door to door" (I guess no one has told them about Mormons yet) I said "You and Pedophiles". They looked like they were going to say something else and I just shut the door on them.
Welcome back Scooby!
NorEaster...stay tuned. we're in for a big blow....
by zev inpictures will update once a minute.. .
you may have to "refresh" to get the current picture.. .
it started around 3:30 pm 1.22.2005 today.. .
Been there
Looks nice and sunny there now. What was the official amount of snow fall? Looks like lots of hard work Zev. Take it easy and keep warm.<----- Hot Chocolate!
Been there (of the I need to get a life class)
NorEaster...stay tuned. we're in for a big blow....
by zev inpictures will update once a minute.. .
you may have to "refresh" to get the current picture.. .
it started around 3:30 pm 1.22.2005 today.. .
Been there
Hey! Who moved the fire hydrant?
NorEaster...stay tuned. we're in for a big blow....
by zev inpictures will update once a minute.. .
you may have to "refresh" to get the current picture.. .
it started around 3:30 pm 1.22.2005 today.. .
Been there
Wow the hydrant is fadeing fast!
NorEaster...stay tuned. we're in for a big blow....
by zev inpictures will update once a minute.. .
you may have to "refresh" to get the current picture.. .
it started around 3:30 pm 1.22.2005 today.. .
Been there
Is the picture updating for everyone else? I'm stuck on 6:50 and it won't refresh. I love watching it snow.........someplace else.
It is snowing and windy here right now. You all stay safe up there and keep warm.